H004 IN CLEANSE-2 H004 清肝利膽寶
H004 IN CLEANSE-2   H004 清肝利膽寶 Herbs   草药 Kuala Lumpur (KL), Malaysia, Selangor, Pandan Jaya Products, Supplements, Supplier, Supply | Conforer Global Sdn Bhd

The food that we eat everyday contain various types of chemical toxins such as preservatives, traces of agricultural chemicals, recycled oil, burnt oil, carbon monoxide and alcohol which goes through the liver for detoxification. When functions of the liver becomes weak and it is unable to effectively remove all the toxins, cholesterol will be produced to protect the liver. This will eventually cause fatty liver and after some 20 years or so, it may result in cirrhosis, cancer of the liver or hypertension. Use In Cleanse-2 from Conforer to relieve heat in the liver, regulate functions of the gall bladder and production of cholesterol and strengthen the detoxification function of the liver.


Suitable For :

Irascibility; liver and gallbladder disease, fatty liver, cirrhosis, jaundice, hepatitis carrier, alchoholism, food poisoning and etc.

人们每天进食的食物中,含有各式各样的化学毒素,如:防腐剂、残余农药、回锅油、焦油、一氧化碳或酒精都必须经过肝脏解毒。当肝脏功能衰弱,无法有效的解除所有的毒素时就会制造固醇出来保护肝脏,慢慢就会形成脂肪肝,经过20年后可能造成肝硬化、肝癌或血压高等,服用康福乐的< 清肝利胆宝 >, 可协助清肝火,利胆调理胆固醇,增强肝脏解毒功能。





Makanan yang dimakan oleh kita setiap hari mengandungi berbagai jenis toksin kimia seperti bahan pengawet, sisa kimia pertanian, minyak kitar semula, minyak terbakar, karbon monoksida dan alkohol yang mungkin menyebabkan cirrhosis, kanser hati atau tekanan darah tinggi dalam masa 20 tahun. Gunakan In Cleanse-2 dari Conforer untuk menyingkirkan haba hati, membantu fungsi pundi hempedu, menyelaraskan kolesterol dan menambahkan fungsi detoksifikasi hati.


Sesuai Untuk :

Penyakit hati, hati berlemak, pembawa Hepatitis A,B,C,D,E,F, keracunan alkohol, keracunan makanan, sakit kuning, cirrhosis.

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