Asians normally like food which consist mostly of rice, noodles, bread, flour, biscuits, roti canai, potatoes and yam. These foods are rich in starch and they cause the production of lots of sugar within the human body. This definitely jeopardizes human health especially those already suffering from hypertension and diabetes. This will cause instability in blood glucose or make it difficult to control.
BGREEN ENZYME from Conforer is produced from chlorophyll spirulina, lemon powder and enzymes which have been fermented. It enhances the digestion of starch in the body as well as decomposes carbohydrates and fats while effectively slowing down chronic diseases in adults.
亚洲人经常吃的食物大都是:米饭、面、面包、面粉、饼干、印度煎饼、马铃薯、芋头等,这些含有高淀粉质的食品;在人体内则会产生大量的糖分;对人体健康来说是非常不利的,尤其是对已经患上高血压及糖尿病的病患者;使血糖不稳定或难以控制是十分关键的。康福乐< 绿色酵素 >是採用天然的叶绿素、螺旋藻、柠檬粉及酵素发酵萃取而成,主要功能促进体内消化“淀粉质”、“碳水化合物”及“脂质”的分解,有效助于延缓“各种成人慢性疾病”的发生。